The Illustrious Prince
Set in Britain shortly after the end of the Russo-Japanese war, ‘The Illustrious Prince’ provides a fascinating insight into the political tensions of the time. The story centres around Prince Maiyo – a cousin of the Emperor of Japan who has been dispatched to Britain in order to seek out a Western...
Set in Britain shortly after the end of the Russo-Japanese war, ‘The Illustrious Prince’ provides a fascinating insight into the political tensions of the time. The story centres around Prince Maiyo – a cousin of the Emperor of Japan who has been dispatched to Britain in order to seek out a Western ally. Suspicion...
Set in Britain shortly after the end of the Russo-Japanese war, ‘The Illustrious Prince’ provides a fascinating insight into the political tensions of the time. The story centres around Prince Maiyo – a cousin of the Emperor of Japan who has been dispatched to Britain in order to seek out a Western ally. Suspicion falls on Prince Maiyo following a daring murder however – which side is he really on?
E-kniha - epub, mobi
rok vydání 2021
- epub, mobi
Věkový limit
- 0
- angličtina
Počet stránek
- 364
ISBN epub
- 978-87-269-2464-0