
Tištěná kniha

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Tištěná kniha - brožovaná

rok vydání 2017



343 Kč

Běžná cena 346 Kč

Ušetříte 3 Kč



O knize

Ann and Wade have carved out a living for themselves from a rugged landscape, but they are bound together by more than love. Through the perspectives of Ann, Wade and Wade s first wife Jenny, now in prison for murder and in exquisite, razor-sharp prose, we learn of the shocking act that originally brought Ann and Wade...
Ann and Wade have carved out a living for themselves from a rugged landscape, but they are bound together by more than love. Through the perspectives of Ann, Wade and Wade s first wife Jenny, now in prison for murder and in exquisite, razor-sharp prose, we learn of the shocking act that originally brought Ann and Wade together, and which...
Ann and Wade have carved out a living for themselves from a rugged landscape, but they are bound together by more than love. Through the perspectives of Ann, Wade and Wade s first wife Jenny, now in prison for murder and in exquisite, razor-sharp prose, we learn of the shocking act that originally brought Ann and Wade together, and which reverberates through the lives of every character in IDAHO.

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