

Tištěná kniha

Bez hodnocení


Bez hodnocení

Tištěná kniha - brožovaná

rok vydání 2012



588 Kč

Běžná cena 594 Kč

Ušetříte 6 Kč



O knize

The first book to make sense of 21st century pop, exploring rock's nostalgia industry of revivals, reissues, reunions and remakes and arguing that there has never before been a culture so obsessed with its own immediate past.
The first book to make sense of 21st century pop, exploring rock's nostalgia industry of revivals, reissues, reunions and remakes and arguing that there has never before been a culture so obsessed with its own immediate past.
The first book to make sense of 21st century pop, exploring rock's nostalgia industry of revivals, reissues, reunions and remakes and arguing that there has never before been a culture so obsessed with its own immediate past.

Více od autora:

Simon Reynolds

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